Studies of ongoing, rapid motor behaviors have often focused on the decision-making implicit in the task. Here, we instead study how decision-making integrates with the perceptual and motor systems and propose a framework of limited-capacity, pipelined processing with flexible resources to understand rapid motor behaviors. Results from three experiments show that human performance is consistent with our framework: participants perform objectively worse as task difficulty increases, and, surprisingly, this drop in performance is largest for the most skilled performers. As well, our analysis shows that the worst-performing participants can perform equally well under increased task demands, which is consistent with flexible neural resources being allocated to reduce bottleneck effects and improve overall performance. We conclude that capacity limits lead to information bottlenecks and that processes like attention help reduce the effects that these bottlenecks have on maximal performance.
Papers & Academic Works
Capacity Limits Lead to Information Bottlenecks in Ongoing Rapid Motor Behaviours
Modelling Intelligent Actions in Human Motor Control
In developing artificial intelligence (AI) agents for the real world, we generally think that the artificial part will be the most difficult. After all, it has taken considerable technical advancements across several fields for us to begin building intelligent systems. Instead, the most challenging part is intelligence, a word that has proven ephemeral over decades of research. In this thesis, I define intelligence as the ability to adapt behaviours to achieve goals in a range of environments. Although this is a broad definition, in our quest to build AI agents we have an excellent source of intelligence that we can study: the human brain.
The brain is capable of producing intelligent behaviours in spite of a number of limitations, including the limited resolution of sensory systems and the need to discretize information. In this thesis, I demonstrate that we can study how the human brain produces intelligent behaviour by using rapid motor behaviour tasks, which require decision-making and motor control to occur in tandem. Using a large experimental data set, I establish that human rapid motor behaviours are fundamentally constrained by capacity limits. I use this insight to propose discrete-event systems (DES) models that incorporate capacity limits to model the brain’s success at producing intelligent behaviour.
Taken together, this thesis develops the argument that in order to build AI agents we must first understand intelligence. This requires us to account for an agent’s limited capacities and then ensure that these limits are incorporated into our models. This is the first work to use DES theory to model biological intelligence and I believe that building links between these areas will help us to develop control theory models inspired by the human brain, thereby allowing us to build AI agents for the real world.
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Richard Hugh Moulton
Modelling Intelligent Actions in Human Motor Control
Doctoral thesis, Queen’s University, 2022
Online control of discrete-event systems: A survey
In control theory, as in other areas of engineering research, there is an inherent tension between the breadth of a technique’s applicability and its mathematical tractability. For the area of discrete-event systems (DES), this manifested itself in a theory of supervisory control that originally provided correct-by-construction guarantees for offline solutions to a restricted kind of deterministic process. Follow-on work extended the reach of these techniques to a number of new settings, notably the development of online control without sacrificing any of the original DES performance guarantees. The ability to enact online control opened the door to applying DES techniques to the adaptive control processes presented by modern technologies: processes with dynamic and time-varying natures, whose characteristics may be understood poorly or not at all. Although many works have built on the seminal work of online control in DES, we believe that these ideas have not reached their full potential due to the difficulty in translating them to adjacent fields. In this survey, we look back at 30 years of research concerning the online control of DES and closely related limited lookahead policies with an eye to making the works accessible to practitioners in the broader control theory and artificial intelligence communities. We conclude with some thoughts on future research directions for the further development and application of online DES control techniques to problems requiring intelligent control in our modern world.
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Richard Hugh Moulton and Karen Rudie
Online control of discrete-event systems: A survey
Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 54, 2022.
Quantitatively Assessing Aging Effects In Rapid Motor Behaviours: A Cross-Sectional Study
An individual’s rapid motor skills allow them to perform many daily activities and are a hallmark of physical health. Although age and sex are both known to affect motor performance, standardized methods for assessing their impact on upper limb function are limited. Here we perform a cross-sectional study of 643 healthy human participants in two interactive motor tasks developed to quantify sensorimotor abilities, Object-Hit (OH) and Object-Hit-and-Avoid (OHA). The tasks required participants to hit virtual objects with and without the presence of distractor objects. Velocities and positions of hands and objects were recorded by a robotic exoskeleton, allowing a variety of parameters to be calculated for each trial. We verified that these tasks are viable for measuring performance in healthy humans and we examined whether any of our recorded parameters were related to age or sex. Our analysis shows that both OH and OHA can assess rapid motor behaviours in healthy human participants. It also shows that while some parameters in these tasks decline with age, those most associated with the motor system do not. Three parameters show significant sex-related effects in OH, but these effects disappear in OHA. This study suggests that the underlying effect of aging on rapid motor behaviours is not on the capabilities of the motor system, but on the brain’s capacity for processing inputs into motor actions. Additionally, this study provides a baseline description of healthy human performance in OH and OHA when using these tasks to investigate age-related declines in sensorimotor ability.
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Richard Hugh Moulton, Karen Rudie, Sean P. Dukelow, and Stephen H. Scott
Quantitatively Assessing Aging Effects In Rapid Motor Behaviours: A Cross-Sectional Study
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, art. no. 82, 2022.
Synthesizing supervisors with a minimum control base for discrete-event systems
Controlling a discrete-event system commonly entails synthesizing a supervisor to ensure that the plant’s closed-loop behaviour respects a certain specification. In the traditional approach to this problem, if the desired behaviour is not controllable then the specification’s supremal controllable sublanguage is enforced instead. Here we invert the problem and formulate the Minimum Control Base Problem, with the goal of finding the minimum set of controllable events that guarantees controllability for the desired behaviour. We show that the sets of controllable events that maintain controllability for the desired behaviour form a complete lattice with respect to subset inclusion and that there is therefore a minimum capability supervisor for any desired sublanguage of the plant’s behaviour. We apply our techniques to the Small Factory problem and discuss further applications including systems design, dynamic discrete-event systems, and biological systems.
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Richard Hugh Moulton, Stephen H. Scott, and Karen Rudie
Synthesizing supervisors with a minimum control base for discrete-event systems
Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference
Shared neural resources influence performance in rapid, interactive behavioural tasks
Sight-reading music highlights the impressive ability for individuals to simultaneously perceive notes on the page, prepare motor actions, and contact keys at the proper time. This task of perceiving, deciding, and acting in parallel becomes particularly challenging as the speed of the performance increases and reaches a capacity limit. Two hypotheses are commonly put forward to explain these limits in capacity: a structural bottleneck model, where processes interfere when they queue to use a particular neural circuit; and a shared resource model, where processes interfere when they compete for resources in a central pool. Here we explore limits in rapid sensorimotor performance by studying the interference of perceptual, decision-making, and motor control processes during two behavioural tasks where subjects must rapidly generate upper-limb movements to achieve time-constrained goals. The goal of each task is to hit as many targets as possible during an ~2.5-minute trial, with the second task adding the requirement to avoid distractor objects that are distinguished by shape. We found that the best performing subjects in the easier task were the most affected by the increased task difficulty in the harder task. We also found that the subjects with the poorest performance often demonstrated equal performance between the tasks, seemingly unaffected by the additional task demands. These results are consistent with the shared resource model for process interference and suggests that processes compete for shared resources, such as attention, to mitigate the impact of bottlenecks and maximize task performance.
Richard Hugh Moulton, Karen Rudie, and Stephen H. Scott
Shared neural resources influence performance in rapid, interactive behavioural tasks [Poster P527.02]
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2021.
Using Subobservers to Synthesize Opacity-Enforcing Supervisors
In discrete-event system control, the worst-case time complexity for computing a system’s observer is exponential in the number of that system’s states. This results in practical difficulties since some problems require calculating multiple observers for a changing system, e.g., synthesizing an opacity-enforcing supervisor. Although calculating these observers in an iterative manner allows us to synthesize an opacity-enforcing supervisor and although methods have been proposed to reduce the computational demands, room exists for a practical and intuitive solution. Here we extend the subautomaton relationship to the notion of a subobserver and demonstrate its use in reducing the computations required for iterated observer calculations. We then demonstrate the subobserver relationship’s power by simplifying state-of-the-art synthesis approaches for opacity-enforcing supervisors under realistic assumptions.
Richard Hugh Moulton, Behnam Behinaein Hamgini, Zahra Abedi Khouzani, Rômulo Meira-Gòes, Fei Wang, and Karen Rudie
Using Subobservers to Synthesize Opacity-Enforcing Supervisors
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2022.
Limited Lookahead Policies for the Control of Discrete-Event Systems: A Tutorial
Some problems in discrete-event systems (DES) model large, time-varying state spaces with complex legal languages. To address these problems, Chung et al. introduced limited lookahead policies (LLP) to provide online supervisory control for discrete-event systems. This seminal paper, along with an addendum of technical results, provided the field with a series of very important and powerful results, but in a notationally- and conceptually-dense manner. In this tutorial, we present Chung et al.’s problem formulation for online control and unravel the formal definitions and proofs from their original work with the aim of making the ideas behind limited lookahead accessible to all DES researchers. Finally, we introduce the Air Traffic Control problem as an example of an online control problem and demonstrate the synthesis of LLP supervisors.
Richard Hugh Moulton, Anothony J. Marasco, and Karen Rudie
Limited Lookahead Policies for the Control of Discrete-Event Systems: A Tutorial
arXiv:2006.06514 [eess.SY], 2020.
Discrete-Event Systems for Modelling Decision-Making in Human Motor Control
Artificial intelligence, control theory and neuroscience have a long history of interplay. An example is human motor control: optimal feedback control describes low-level motor functions and reinforcement learning explains high-level decision-making, but where the two meet is not as well understood. Here I formulate the human motor decision-making problem, describe how discrete-event systems could model it and lay out future research paths to fill in this gap in the literature.
Richard Hugh Moulton
Discrete-Event Systems for Modelling Decision-Making in Human Motor Control
Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Canadian AI 2019.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11489, 2019
Contextual One-Class Classification in Data Streams
In machine learning, the one-class classification problem occurs when training instances are only available from one class. It has been observed that making use of this class’s structure, or its different contexts, may improve one-class classifier performance. Although this observation has been demonstrated for static data, a rigorous application of the idea within the data stream environment is lacking. To address this gap, we propose the use of context to guide one-class classifier learning in data streams, paying particular attention to the challenges presented by the dynamic learning environment. We present three frameworks that learn contexts and conduct experiments with synthetic and benchmark data streams. We conclude that the paradigm of contexts in data streams can be used to improve the performance of streaming one-class classifiers.
Richard Hugh Moulton, Herna L. Viktor, Nathalie Japkowicz, and João Gama
Contextual One-Class Classification in Data Streams
arXiv:1907.04233 [cs.LG], 2019.
The Wilderness Area Data Set: Adapting the Covertype data set for unsupervised learning
Benchmark data sets are of vital importance in machine learning research, as indicated by the number of repositories that exist to make them publicly available. Although many of these are usable in the stream mining context as well, it is less obvious which data sets can be used to evaluate data stream clustering algorithms. We note that the classic Covertype data set’s size makes it attractive for use in stream mining but unfortunately it is specifically designed for classification. Here we detail the process of transforming the Covertype data set into one amenable for unsupervised learning, which we call the Wilderness Area data set. Our quantitative analysis allows us to conclude that the Wilderness Area data set is more appropriate for unsupervised learning than the original Covertype data set.
Richard Hugh Moulton and Jakub Zgraja
The Wilderness Area Data Set: Adapting the Covertype data set for unsupervised learning
arXiv:1901.11040 [cs.LG], 2019.
Adapting ClusTree for more challenging data stream environments
Data stream mining seeks to extract useful information from quickly-arriving, infinitely-sized and evolving data streams. Although these challenges have been addressed throughout the literature, none of them can be considered “solved.” We contribute to closing this gap for the task of data stream clustering by proposing two modifications to the well-known ClusTree data stream clustering algorithm: pruning unused branches and detecting concept drift. Our experimental results show the difficulty in tackling these aspects of data stream mining and the sensitivity of stream mining algorithms to parameter values. We conclude that further research is required to better equip stream learners for the data stream clustering task.
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Jakub Zgraja, Richard Hugh Moulton, João Gama, Andrzej Kasprzak, and Michał Woźniak
Adapting ClusTree for more challenging data stream environments
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 37, no. 6, 2019.
Clustering to Improve One-Class Classifier Performance in Data Streams
Classification requires learning a decision boundary between classes by using training examples from each. A potential challenge is the class imbalance problem, which occurs when there are many training instances available for the majority class and few training instances for the minority class. One-class classification (OCC) addresses this scenario by casting the task as learning a decision boundary around the majority class with no need for minority class instances. Modern machine learning research, however, is concerned with data streams: where potentially infinite amounts of data arrive quickly and need to be processed as they arrive. In these cases it is not possible to store all of the instances in memory, nor is it practical to wait until “the end of the data stream” before learning. Many one-class classifiers for data streams have been described in the literature, and it is worth investigating whether the approach of learning in the context of concepts can be successfully applied to OCC for data streams as well. This thesis identifies that the idea of breaking the majority class into subconcepts to simplify the OCC problem has been demonstrated for static data sets, but has not been applied in data streams. It is shown that scenarios exist where knowledge of sub-concepts can be used to improve one-class classifier performance.
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Richard Hugh Moulton
Clustering to Improve One-Class Classifier Performance in Data Streams
Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa, 2018.
Clustering in the Presence of Concept Drift
Clustering naturally addresses many of the challenges of data streams and many data stream clustering algorithms (DSCAs) have been proposed. The literature does not, however, provide quantitative descriptions of how these algorithms behave in different circumstances. In this paper we study how the clusterings produced by different DSCAs change, relative to the ground truth, as quantitatively different types of concept drift are encountered. This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, we propose a method for generating real-valued data streams with precise quantitative concept drift. Second, we conduct an experimental study to provide quantitative analyses of DSCA performance with synthetic real-valued data streams and show how to apply this knowledge to real world data streams. We find that large magnitude and short duration concept drifts are most challenging and that DSCAs with partitioning-based offline clustering methods are generally more robust than those with density-based offline clustering methods. Our results further indicate that increasing the number of classes present in a stream is a more challenging environment than decreasing the number of classes.
Richard Hugh Moulton, Herna L. Viktor, Nathalie Japkowicz, and João Gama
Clustering in the Presence of Concept Drift
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2018.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11051, 2019.
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